We get some snow and I wear my clothes backwards – Weekly Recap

Don’t you love weekends? I just dig things out of my pajama bins and wear them as shirts. No doing that during the workweek! Comfiest race shirt ever? Yes, please! I almost bought an extra one of these last weekend when our running store was selling them for $5. It was only the potential mockery of my husband that stopped me, but the girl at the store seemed to think it was a perfectly reasonable idea.


Okay, this was NOT a good workout week for me. I’ve been using a training journal to plan my workouts, and it’s super helpful. Otherwise, when I don’t make time to do it (like this week), between the kids and my job, it’s like I blink and it’s Thursday and I haven’t worked out yet.

I did terribly on my strength training this week – like literally, none. But… let’s stay positive. I do have two whole workouts to report.

Monday I had the day off from work for the holiday. We went ice skating and had some family races.


I couldn’t figure out a way to squeeze in a workout without taking too much time away from family on our day off together, so I just left a little early and ran home while my husband got everyone’s skates off and drove home. Worked out pretty well. It was a short 3 miles, but I pushed myself and got some faster miles in than I have lately, and I was just proud of myself for fitting it in.

I don’t know what happened to Tuesday-Friday. They’re seriously a blur of kids’ sports, school activities, and working late. I don’t know. Whatever.

But Saturday…. the heavens opened and we FINALLY got some snow!!!!! We have had nearly ZERO snow this winter in Alaska which is super lame. So Saturday morning I collected some friends and we finally got out and did some cross country skiing! It was an easy, relaxing pace, which almost didn’t feel like it “counted” as a workout. But later than night as my arms began to ache, I remembered what a great total-body workout cross-country skiing is. It was so much fun to mix it up and do something different.


In other news of the weekend, I accidentally wore this top backwards for almost the entire day. I didn’t notice until I tried to put my phone in my pocket and it was on my butt. *sigh* Pretty sure I accidentally wear clothes backwards more than most adults.


And I went upstairs at 9:30, telling my husband I was going to bed early because I was soooo exhausted. And then I accidentally read this entire book. Whoops. Luckily Sundays are for sleeping in.

IMG_5408This week will be better. I already have plans for a 6:30am gym workout with a friend and that will start the week off right.

Linking up with The Weekend Update on Running N Reading, and Motivate Me Monday with Fitness Cheerleader and Running Rachel!

Please tell me – is there anyone else out there who accidentally wears clothes backwards?

If you live somewhere with real winter, have you gotten much snow this year?

Ever stay up for hours reading “just one more chapter?”

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12 Responses to We get some snow and I wear my clothes backwards – Weekly Recap

  1. Jennifer says:

    I do enjoy wearing pajama shirts and leggings all weekend long 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I wear workout clothes or sweats etc. on weekends, evenings and telework days. And I’ll confess I have put things on backwards but usually manage to notice before anyone else sees me. The lure of the book is a wonderful thing, a hard spell to break sometimes. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had to stop reading before bed because I would never go to bed LOL. I have put things on backwards, but usually the neck feels weird and I figure it out quickly. (And I haven’t done any strength workouts in far too long…)


  4. Caitlin says:

    Um, I totally read an entire Harry Potter book that way… before I knew it, it was 3 in the morning!!! Ooops. 🙂


  5. Just a few dustings of snow here – it’s been really lame but great for training at the same time. I’ve already more than doubled the mileage I got in last year in January. I’m super jealous of your cross country ski day, that looks like so much fun! Have a great week & thanks for linking up!


  6. Well, unfortunately, I read “just one more chapter” way to often, Katie! I had to laugh out loud at your backward shirt, I’m sorry; that is hilarious! It really wasn’t that obvious, though; I blame it on poor design. 😉 Skiing sounds like so much fun! I’ve never snow skied and I’m terrified, but I’m a great water skier; I bet y’all have tons of fun! Thanks so much for linking up to the blog today and I hope you have a wonderful week!


  7. HoHo Runs says:

    I wear my running clothes inside out all the time. I run in the early morning dark, so it doesn’t matter. They are actually feel more comfortable that way. I would love to cross country ski. I’ve only done the downhill variety.


  8. I totally wore my shirt inside out to work the other day! Ugh.


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